Tarleton Bed Store


Where is Tarleton Bed Store?

Our full address is: Tarleton Bed Store, Blackgate Lane Retail Park, Tarleton, PR46NP. You can also contact us via telephone: 01772 755152.

We pride ourselves on offering a huge range of products from top to bottom and lots in between:

Single mattresses from £99.00-£899.00
Single beds from £199-£999.00
Double mattresses £159.00-£1299.00
Double beds from £399.00-£1899
King size mattresses £199.00-£1599
King Size beds from £499.00-£1999.00
Super king mattresses £249.00-£2499.00

Knowledge is key. Here’s our guide for sizing:

75cm or 2’6ft by 190cm/6’3ft = Small Single
90cm or 3ft by 190cm/6’3ft = Single
120cm or 4ft by 190cm/6’3ft = Small Double
135cm or 4’6ft by 190cm/6’3ft = Double
150cm or 5ft by 200cm/6’6ft = King Size
180cm or 6ft by 200cm/6’6ft = Super King

Yes, this is a chargeable service we offer at Tarelton Bed Store. Depending on size it’s between £10-£25.

We never, send your mattress to landfill. At Tarleton Bed Store we believe in a greener more sustainable bed and mattress industry. Your mattresses are taken to a UK-based mattress recycling centre.

This is a common question and usually, one that is hard to answer. There are many factors to consider when estimating how long your mattress will stay in tip-top condition not least the quality of the mattress you purchased. We have a golden rule in the industry – 1 year for every £100 you spend on your mattress. Of course, this is just a guide but with regular maintenance you can make your mattress live longer.

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